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SSHRC-SIG Award results, September 30th, 2019 call

Posted on: Oct 21, 2019

The results from the SSHRC-SIG September 2019 call are ready. The Research and Faculty Development Committee has finished adjudicating applications for the Exchange and Explore programs.

We received a variety of strong applications to both programs. Adjudication was based on merit of the application and the applicant.

The Office of Research Services congratulates the recipients of awards on their success, and encourages all the CUE Faculty to participate in the next call, in 2020. We would also like to thank SSHRC for supporting CUE in the quest to generate relevant research in the Social Sciences.

SSHRC-SIG Explore and Exchange Grants are sponsored by SSHRC through an institutional grant. CUE receives additional funding from the Tri-Agency via the Research Support Fund (RSF). For further information on the RSF, please visit our website.



Name Faculty Name of activity
Steven Muir Arts

“The props of my faith: objects & ritual in a woman’s fourth century pilgrimage”

Grant ID SIG-XCHG-1909-02

Oliver Franke Arts

“Some important considerations when conducting undergraduate cyclical program reviews at a small university”

Grant ID SIG-XCHG-1909-05

John Maxfield Arts

“Communal Reformation in the North German Towns: The Case of Brunswick, 1527-1528”

Grant ID SIG-XCHG-1909-03



Name Faculty Project
Cecilia Bukutu Science

“Using Social Network Analysis to Identify Knowledge and Advice Seeking Networks in the Childcare Sector in Edmonton: A Pilot Study”

Grant ID SIG-XPLR-1909-06

Inhee Berg Arts

“Christian Theology of Disability: God and Man Examined from the Angle of Disability”

Grant ID SIG-XPLR-1909-01
