Security Warning
Posted on: Jun 22, 2017
Ensuring your safety is our top priority. We are informing you that one of our staff was confronted by the man in the photo below. He pulled out a knife in a threatening manner, with no provocation from our staff member. Fortunately, our staff member was able to get away safely, and the man is no longer on campus.
If you see this man, please stay away from him and call 911 immediately. If someone else is with you, have them call security on 780 479 8761 or 5555 from an internal phone.
Providing a safe, secure campus and learning environment for all students, faculty and staff is of top priority to Concordia University of Edmonton and we take incidents such as this very seriously. Extensive security measures are in place to help us maintain a safe campus.
Please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Sterne ext 311 should you have any concerns.