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Reformation 500

Posted on: Mar 24, 2017

500 Years of Reformation Registration. 

​Registration for Faculty with a faculty development fund is easy and you don’t have to be out of pocket. Simply email sherry.palichuk@concordia.ab.ca and she will simply deduct the amount from your account. Sherry will then notify me that you are registered. Registration Fee includes GST, All Meals, Snacks and Free Parking. For all other registrations, please visit https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ccscf-conference-tickets-24937504748.​


500 Years of Reformation Call for Papers and Presentations.

Luther literally changed the world with his 95 theses on 31st October 1517. 500 Years of Reformation is the Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith conference on 24th-25th March 2017. This is a very convenient in-house opportunity for CUE faculty and students to present at a conference. Papers and presentations may be approached interdisciplinarily from the Humanities and Social Sciences and from the subdisciplines of philosophy, theology, psychology, sociology, history, culture, art and ethics. There is a broad range of possible topics with some overlap. This list is neither exhaustive nor intended to be restrictive: Reformation and Biblical Studies, Reformation and Theology, Reformation and Education, Reformation Economics, Reformation and Politics, Reformation and Ethics, Reformation and the Arts, Reformation and Law, Reformation and Literature, Reformation and the Sciences, Reformation and Modernism, Reformation and Authority, Reformation and Philosophy. Original papers may also be submitted for adjudication to the Canadian Journal for Scholarship and the Christian Faith. For proposal details and online submissions, please visit http://www.ccscf.org/conference/call-for-papers/.