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Publication: Atheism and the Christian Faith

Posted on: Aug 25, 2017
Dr Bill Anderson is pleased to announce the publication of his third book Atheism and the Christian Faith. This is an edited anthology of the proceedings from the 2016 conference of the same name published by Vernon Press. The foreword is by Richard Swinburne of Oxford University who contributed two chapters to the book. A notable contributor is CUE’s very own Dr Jonathan Strand on “Theism, Atheism, and the Ethics of Hope”. The book is largely driven by philosophers and philosophy—and represents a wide gamut of views from atheists, agnostics and theists. The book is dedicated to a beloved CUE faculty member . . . “In Loving Memory of Russ Nelson: A Truly Brilliant Scholar and the Epitome of Christian Faith”. For more information, please visit https://vernonpress.com/title.php?id=247#.WZyVVz6GOcM.