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Pride Flag raised at CUE

Posted on: Mar 11, 2019

In celebration of Pride Day on Wednesday, March 13, CUE raised the Pride Flag outside Schwermann Hall, for the first time in its history.

President Tim Loreman gave a short speech to a gathering of students, faculty and staff before the flag was raised on this beautiful sunny day:

“Today we celebrate a milestone for Concordia University of Edmonton. Those of us here today are witnesses to an historic event. Today is the first day since our founding in 1921 that the Pride flag has been raised on our campus.

This flag represents a group who, until recent years, had cause to feel marginalized and excluded at Concordia. Raising it to the top of this very tall flagpole is emblematic of the change that has occurred here.

We are, of course, not done changing yet, but every moment and event such as this one today is another step towards a Concordia where everyone is welcome, where everyone is valued, and where all of us can study and work in an atmosphere where we are equal and respected.

To our LGBTQ+ community I say this: We value and appreciate the contribution you make to CUE. You make our institution stronger and more welcoming. I hope that at Concordia you feel comfortable being and expressing who you are. Finally, I hope that in raising our Pride flag today you see a concrete and visible symbol of our commitment to you. We recognize that you are an important part of our community.

With that, let’s raise the flag as we begin our Pride Week celebrations!”