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Presentation – “Citizens of the World and Beyond: Faith-Based Climate Justice Activism ”, Dr. Randy Haluza-Delay

Posted on: Sep 30, 2019

CUE Institute of Christian Studies and Society invites you to attend the presentation “Citizens of the World and Beyond: Faith-Based Climate Justice Activism” by Dr. Randy Haluza-Delay.

The presentation will be held on Wednesday October 16th at 3 pm, room HAC 010

On the presentation

Religious actors have played an increasing role in transnational civil society activism on environmental governance and climate concerns. Haluza-DeLay participated in one of the annual multi-party UN climate meetings as a delegate for the World Council of Churches. As a participant-observer, he conducted preliminary ethnographic research to elaborate how the practices of religious faith and action manifest and how they contribute to a new politics of the earth and climate justice.


Faith-based actors and organizations also position themselves in an outlook which extends beyond the human sphere.  We see a vision of equity based in a “care for [global] neighbours.” Whereas a typical cosmopolitical ethic typically insists that all humans belong to a shared morality (are ALL morally considerable), the faith-communities at the UNFCCC alter this in two ways.

  • First, the cosmopolitical statement changes to include “all the planet, and ALL creatures are morally considered – all creation matters”.
  • Second, we see a view that our duty is to the greater Good, not solely a human purpose or human-oriented good.

Dr. Haluza-Delay is Associate Professor of Sociology at The King’s University.