One week left! Call for Abstracts – CUE Student Research Forum and Poster Competition
Posted on: Mar 25, 2022
All CUE students are invited to participate in the annual CUE Student Research Forum and Poster Competition!
This research event showcases and celebrates the accomplishments of our students and faculty members across all disciplines.
Organized by the Office of Research Services, the annual Research Forum provides an opportunity for CUE students to present their research work and exchange ideas with the CUE community, industry professionals, and other guests.
Visitors from outside CUE: Please register by sending an email request to
Student Poster Competition
Students presenting at the Research Forum will be entered in the Student Poster Competition.
Posters will be judged by panels of experts, and prizes will be awarded for each category (Undergraduate and Graduate).
Students will present their posters for ten minutes, and then answer questions from judges and audience members for five minutes.
Winners will be announced at the end of the event, and will be invited to present their posters during the awards session.
Questions about the event can be sent to
Click here for abstract submission
and poster preparation details
Submitting an Abstract
Use the “presenter” registration form (link above) to submit your abstract.
Abstracts will be accepted until Friday, April 1, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
Students submitting abstracts are expected to include the name of their research supervisor in the form.
The Office of Research Services has prepared a poster template for CUE students, faculty members, and staff.
The download link is included in the “presenter” registration form.
This event is part of the portfolio of the Assistant Vice-President Research and Faculty Development, and is organized by the Office of Research Services.
Research at Concordia University of Edmonton is supported in part by the Research Support Fund, a Tri-Agency initiative that assists Canadian post-secondary institutions with costs associated with managing research funded by the federal research granting agencies.
Concordia University of Edmonton acknowledges the value of this support and appreciates this ongoing research investment.