One CUE student and four admins will be off to Portugal on Erasmus+ Grants again
Posted on: Jun 28, 2017
We are honoured and pleased with the agreement we signed with some of our partners in Europe for the Erasmus+ funding program, one of which is our good partner University of Porto, in Portugal. The collaboration between this prestigious Portuguese university and Concordia University of Edmonton is increasing each semester. We are thankful to our partners from UPorto to have invited us into this venture. CUE and our Portuguese counterpart UPorto are especially thankful to the Erasmus+ program, which celebrates its 30th anniversary. This program is making it possible, for several semesters now, for CUE students (we are sending one this fall), staff and faculty to stay and have meaningful interactions from a week to a whole semester!
In addition to our student, this summer and fall four of our colleagues will be traveling to Porto on Erasmus+ grants:
Dr. Cecilia Bukutu, Director, Institutional Research & Program Development
I will participate in the mobility training program at Porto University in Portugal this July. My training will be focused on how the work of the institutional research office can best support internationalization initiatives at higher educational institutions.
Dr. Barbara van Ingen, Vice President, Student Life and Learning
During my time in Porto, I will continue discussion with Dr. Mota on a collaborative research project between the CUE Wellness Research Cluster and the University of Porto. I will also engage in intensive group work with Dr. Mota and members of the UPorto Psychology Department on matters related to Wellness and Student Services. Having experienced the beauty of Porto in November 2016, I am eager to return, and to further my research activities.
Ms. Margie Schoepp, Financial Aid and Awards Coordinator
It’s an honor to be selected to receive an Erasmus Mobile+ scholarship to visit our partner, University of Porto, Portugal for InterWeek November 2017. I’ve heard wonderful things from CUE colleagues who have participated in the Erasmus+ program and it is their experiences that intrigued me to submit an application. During this week I hope to expand my knowledge in the areas of incoming and outgoing student mobility, learn about financial supports for students, and network with international counterparts regarding best practices. I look forward to visiting the University of Porto and the beautiful coastal city of Porto.
Ms. Sophie Nguyen – Registration Advisor – Registrar Office
This mobility program provides an opportunity to build network and learn among the international team during a week of professional training & development at University of Porto. It not only enhances my global awareness, encourages the development of cross-cultural perspectives, but also broadens my professional skills through workshops, discussion & sharing. In another respect, it exposes staff to change the old mind of working that we have taken before. For the long-term experience, it has a tendency to help to adapt diversity communities. The activities include: – Visit to the University Facilities & other Departments in order to learn about the program and student service. – Attend workshop, training & academic talk at University of Porto to develop professional skills. – Build Networking activities to enhance international cooperation actions as a member of Concordia University of Edmonton. – Explore international and intercultural learning culture & join different interesting discussion & topics.
Concordia University of Edmonton – Building Bridges