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Upper Bound: Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence 

The CUE Innovation Hub invites you to a panel discussion on the topic of “Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence” as part of the Upper Bound Conference hosted by The Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (AMII). 

This panel discussion will bring together experts in education and Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and development, to explore the potential benefits and challenges of using AI in teaching and learning. Discussion will include topics such as the abundance of AI tools and their influence on learning, personalized learning, student privacy, and the impact on the human element of education. Join us to learn about the latest developments in AI and education and to engage in a thought-provoking discussion on this important topic.



Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Location:  https://meet.google.com/iqe-bppx-pnk


About Upper Bound:

Upper Bound, hosted by Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (AMII), is a deep dive into fundamental research in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), merged with a parallel exploration of excellence in industry application. The event runs from May 23-26 and has a variety of in-person and online sessions. The full schedule can be found here

Are you a CUE student? You can attend Upper Bound for free. Reach out to Dr. Isha Katyal at isha.katyal@concordia.ab.ca for free passes to the event. Limited passes available.