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Connect and celebrate at Homecoming 2024

Sending off our class of 2024 reminds us of our own post-secondary experiences: It’s an exciting time filled with opportunity, challenge, learning and growth. And while we don’t remember every lecture or lesson learned, we never seem to forget the connections made along the way. The peers who became friends, the faculty that became mentors, and those around us who shaped us to some degree into who we are today.

In this spirit of connection, reunion, and community, we’re making the call to alumni, community members and friends of Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) to join us for Homecoming 2024 this September. 

“I am incredibly excited to welcome our entire CUE community to campus for what will be a landmark event. With more than a century’s worth of history, legacy, and alumni, opportunities like this to bring together such a diverse and remarkable community create space for true magic to happen,” said Dr. Tim Loreman, president and vice-chancellor of CUE. 

Past, present and the next generation of our CUE community are welcome to take part in our Homecoming festivities, September 27-28, 2024. 

“Whether you know our university by our current name as Concordia University of Edmonton, or by Concordia College or Concordia University College of Alberta as we were in the past, we welcome you with open arms, and will always work to ensure that you feel a valued part of our community,” said Dr. Loreman.  

Your membership to the CUE community does not end at graduation; in fact, it’s only just begun. Opportunities to continue to be an active member of our community are at your fingertips through the Concordia Alumni Association, sponsorship and donations, and our broader community events.  

To keep up to date on all of the opportunities available for you to be involved, be sure to join the Concordia Alumni Association, follow their social media channels, and invite your friends. Information is available at cuealumni.ca.  

“I’ve met so many incredible people in my classes and through the extracurricular activities I’ve been a part of at CUE. Those are relationships I don’t want to lose, and being a part of the Concordia Alumni Association allows me to maintain a strong connection with those people and the university,” said Tseide Krekelberg, president of the Concordia Alumni Association.  


Within these walls and in our community, you made lasting connections and impressions on those around you, and were shaped and moulded by your peers, professors and activities. Stay connected, or reconnect, with those who played a key role in your life and learning at Homecoming.  

Homecoming may kickstart your next breakthrough. With more than a century of legacy behind its alumni, you’ll never know who you may run into — be it a future colleague, your next mentor or a new friendship. 

Connect with old friends and meet new faces through a variety of events and activities taking place at Homecoming, including networking events, an alumni breakfast, a beer garden, immersive tours through campus, and an opportunity to cheer on your Concordia Thunder, all packed in a family-fun environment here on campus.  

Schwermann Hall has stood tall along the Edmonton River Valley for nearly 100 years; however, we understand that the land in which our campus is located has been used as a traveling route, trading center and ceremonial gathering place for Indigenous Peoples from across Turtle Island. At Homecoming, we will be honouring this vibrant history through programming alongside kihêwak kâpimihâcik, our Indigenous Student Centre.  


A sneak peek of the New Academic Building

Our university has grown over the years, incorporating new spaces, new faces and new identities through its century of history.  

At this year’s Homecoming, we are excited to officially welcome a new space into the growing legacy of CUE’s campus: the New Academic Building. The building represents our commitment to ensuring our students and faculty are provided with top-of-the-line facilities to ensure our students are best prepared to step into the next stage of their careers, and our faculty are equipped with the space and resources needed to conduct their groundbreaking research.

Join us for a grand opening ceremony of our new Academic Building at Homecoming, and receive free tours of the space and research demonstrations in the facility’s laboratories.  

The new Academic Building’s sleek and modern facade tastefully juxtaposes our historic brick-and-mortar facilities, woven together with the later additions of our Robert Tegler Student Centre, Judy Kruse Student Commons and the new Student Quad.  

Through its ever-evolving journey, campus has consistently grown and adapted to meet the needs of its students, and we are excited to formally introduce the new Academic Building, which will allow us to further expand our student body while still maintaining our commitment to small class sizes, personal connections and a supportive learning environment.  


Members of our CUE community leave lasting impacts on our students beyond professors lecturing students and peers providing mentorship. The names of prominent members of our community dot the halls and provide namesake to our spaces, scholarships and awards, and countless pieces of programming and support could not happen without the support of the community.  

Support looks different for each individual — sometimes provided through time and volunteerism, word of mouth and advocacy, or sponsorship and donation. CUE is grateful to have a community that values ensuring higher education is accessible to all students, and that students are provided with the support they need to successfully complete their studies.  

“Our tight-knit institution has always put our students at the center of our focus. Homecoming is an opportunity to underscore that value and highlight the impact that this deep focus on our students has on your lasting success,” said Rick Bastow, director of Community Relations at CUE.  

“We encourage everyone to re-experience CUE. We want to see you, your family and your friends here — celebrating your university, your legacy and the opportunities that abound.” 

Homecoming takes place September 27-28, 2024. Sign up to receive more information at concordia.ab.ca/homecoming.