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Name for new building honours first Chancellor

Posted on: Oct 15, 2018

CUE’s Board of Governors is delighted to announce the name of its newest student academic building. The Allan Wachowich Centre for Science, Research, and Innovation will honour CUE’s first Chancellor.

The Honourable Allan Wachowich served as CUE’s first Chancellor from 2013 to 2017. During this time, Chancellor Wachowich was instrumental in moving the university towards inclusivity of all students, limiting barriers of entry, and creating the necessary infrastructure and environment needed to realize CUE’s goal of becoming Canada’s pre-eminent small university. 

He has a keen focus on empowering young adults to live out their potential and make their personal difference in the world.

A focussed fundraising campaign for the completion of the Centre will get underway mid-October 2018.

Official signage for the building is expected to go up next month.