Institute for Christian Studies and Society / Theology and Science Research Cluster Presents Rev. Chris Barrigar
Posted on: Oct 24, 2017
The Institute for Christian Studies & Society and the Theology & Science Research Cluster are hosting Rev. Chris Barrigar on Friday, October 27th, 2017 at 12:00 Noon in Room HA310
Rev. Chris Barrigar will present God’s Agape/Probability Design of the Universe:
Is God’s design in nature evident from specific biological interventions to bring about humanity? Or is it best to see God at work in the fundamental physics, chemistry, laws, and mathematics behind it all? Come join us for a talk by Chris Barrigar (Ph.D. Philosophy, McGill) based on his recent book, Freedom All The Way Up: God and the Meaning of Life in a Scientific Age. Barrigar finds that traditional accounts of design don’t pay enough attention to why God would create a universe with things like randomness, probabilistic physics, thermodynamics, and massively-large numbers (such as numbers of stars or neurons). These things are central to God’s great ‘freedom system’, providing a blend of regularities, laws, probabilities, and randomness ‘all the way up’. This is what makes it possible, Chris suggests, for humans to choose, or reject, lives of agape-love toward God and others.