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Individual Achievements for Recognition Week 2021 – deadline to submit is February 5th

Posted on: Feb 4, 2021

In lieu of CUE’s annual Recognition Dinner, CUE is organizing a Recognition Week where each day of the week we spotlight 2020’s Retirees, Award Winners, and Years of Service recipients.

In preparation for the 2021 Recognition Week, we would like to know the individual achievements of CUE employees since last year’s Recognition Dinner.

Please let us know of any achievements and accomplishments (e.g. scholarly, institutional) for yourself, your department, or for someone in your area. Please remember the committee has the final say on what is to be recognized.

Please use the following link to submit your achievements and accomplishments:  Individual Achievements  
We would appreciate receiving this information by February 5th.

Please contact Human Resources (hr@concordia.ab.ca) if you have any questions.