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Help us find our new Dean of Arts!

Posted on: Feb 17, 2022
The Vice-President Academic and Provost invites members of the CUE community to virtually attend a open forum presentation by 2 candidates for the Dean, Faculty of Arts position. 
As part of the interview process, each candidate is given an opportunity to publicly provide information on the given presentation topic.  After the presentations, members of the community will have a chance to ask our candidate’s some questions through the chat tool in Google Meets.
Note: Please join the Google Meets presentations through your CUE email account.
Candidate presentation topic: In 2021, Concordia University of Edmonton celebrated our centennial anniversary. Entering into our second century, what do you see as the major challenges and opportunities within the Faculty of Arts? As Dean of Arts, what will you bring to this position to address these challenges and opportunities?
Candidate #1
Candidate #2
Please feel free to provide any candidate feedback directly to the VPA Office vpacademic@concordia.ab.ca.