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Help us build the future of CUE: Provide feedback by April 20

Posted on: Apr 11, 2022

Dear CUE community,

In order to build a brighter future for CUE, we need to hear from you. We are looking for input that will help us understand any concerns and identify actions we can take to improve how we do things at CUE.

Please take some time to provide us with your feedback by Wednesday, April 20. Your feedback will remain anonymous unless you choose to provide your name.

Submit your feedback using the online tool 

After we collect everyone’s feedback, I’ll provide an update on what we heard and share our next steps. We will use what we learn to inform decisions and make meaningful changes at CUE.

Thank you in advance for sharing your feedback. Your perspectives are valued and will help our community to move forward in a productive and positive way. 


Tim Loreman, PhD.
President and Vice-Chancellor