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Focus on Women Research Cluster presents: Dr. Muna Saleh on January 16th

Posted on: Jan 15, 2019

Please join the Focus on Women research cluster on Wednesday, January 16th at noon in HA 009 for our first talk of 2019!

Dr. Muna Saleh from the CUE Department of Education will be presenting her research in a talk entitled “I Got Your Back: Relationally Resisting Stories of Who We ‘Should’ Be as Canadian Muslim Mothers and Daughters.

Abstract: Drawing upon my experiences as a Canadian Muslim woman, mother, educator, and researcher, I engaged in a two-year narrative inquiry (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000; Clandinin, 2013) alongside three Canadian Muslim girls and their mothers as girl co-inquirers transitioned into adolescence. Reverberating across the stories co-inquirers and I shared are experiences of living in the midst of, and in relation to, multiple arrogant perceptions (Lugones, 1987) and single stories (Adichie, 2009) of who we are – or ‘should’ be – as Canadian Muslim females. However, sharing, living, and inquiring into these stories alongside one another foregrounded the many ways we lived stories of relational resistance (Saleh, 2017), and are continually (re)composing our lives with imagination and improvisation (Bateson, 1989).

Link to Event Poster