Flipped Classroom Workshop
Posted on: Jan 31, 2017
Flipped Classroom Workshop for Faculty
February 8th & 15th, 9:30 – 11:30 in T105
"Flipping classes is a popular trend, and for good reason! In this series, we will provide an introduction to flipping course content and discuss why flipping is so popular in post-secondary education, how to go about re-conceptualizing your content in a flipped format, and how to use your face-to-face time in more student-centered ways. We will also have some hands-on time with simple technology tools that will allow you to capture your lectures in video format using nothing more than a computer. By the end of this workshop series, you will have all of the tools you need to flip any content you want to, in your course."
If you are interested in attending email kim.peacock@macewan.ca