Fire Drill Results
Posted on: Oct 14, 2022
Our fire drills this week went well. People evacuated quickly and went to the Muster Points. We use the drills to assess how well we evacuate as a campus and to identify areas that need improvement.
- A few people went to their vechicle and left campus while the drill was happening. In a fire alarm this becomes a safety concern, people are not always paying attention and can be injured and the inbound Fire Resuce trucks may be delayed in reaching the area they need to on campus. Please remain on campus until the “All Clear” has been given.
- Many people attend Muster Point 1, to make it safer to group together security will unlock the gate that leads to the soccer field. This will provide room for people to safely stand off the road.
- There are checklists available for Repsonse Team Members that help make checking an area during evaucation much easier. Please find yours in this link from Alfresco. Evacuation Checklists