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Faculty Writing Circle

Posted on: Jan 16, 2020
Meets every Friday 9:00 -10:00 a.m. in HA221 beginning on Friday, January 17, 2020.
All are welcome to join this informal support group, which is intended to provide that much needed space in our calendars to focus on academic writing, as well as a group of colleagues to whom we can be accountable for ensuring we each further our writing goals. This faculty circle has been meeting for the past two years, and very much welcomes new members.
Our group can use the time to write silently in the same room, each on our own projects. Or we can discuss our respective projects, bouncing ideas and drafts off one another. Or we can even talk about academic writing in general–process and product. Or a mix of all the above…. At our first meeting, we will discuss the options and arrive at a consensus for what everyone will find most valuable this year.
Interested, but that time slot doesn’t work for you? Email vpacademic@concordia.ab.ca, and if there’s enough demand, we can set up an additional group meeting time.