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Fab Friday April 3rd, 2020 #cuewellness #wegotthis

Posted on: Apr 3, 2020

Hi CUE!  Welcome to Fab Friday, an initiative of CUE Wellness Connection. 

Today’s video topic has become a symbol of hope and healing during challenging times – the origami crane!  Check out this tutorial on how to make your own: https://youtu.be/5nqsUwYqmNQ

Looking for a new way to relieve stress and reduce anxiety? Check out this breathing technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJJazKtH_9I

Need another recipe idea for the weekend? How about Crustless Quiche?  Makes a great Sunday brunch option!

We encourage you to check CUE social media pages every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for:

Mindful Mondays – Join us at https://meet.google.com/szc-hewx-ocd every Monday from 10-11 AM where we’ll chat about various topics related to social connection and mindfulness

Wellness Wednesdays – a new weekly fitness challenge will be posted every Wednesday.  Check out  https://www.instagram.com/cuedmonton/ and https://www.instagram.com/cue_athletics/ daily for more ways to stay active during isolation. #cuestaysactive

Fab Friday – every Friday will focus on other wellness topics like nutrition, sleep, relaxation, laughter, and much more!  

Have a great weekend!