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Sacred Music Festival

In its fourteenth year, Concordia School of Music’s Sacred Music Festival has as its guest the composer, music editor, and conductor Craig Courtney. Mr. Courtney has spent nearly a decade performing, teaching and composing in Milan, Italy, and Salzburg, Austria. In Austria he worked at the Mozarteum, where he served as a piano teacher, accompanist and vocal coach. In 1987 Mr. Courtney was appointed chief composer and music editor at Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Mr. Courtney has more than 300 published works and has been a frequent recipient of American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers achievement awards.

Concordia’s choral ensembles—the Concert Choir, the Community Chorus, and Bella Voce Women’s Choir, all conducted by Dr. Joy Berg—will be performing several of Courtney’s pieces. The audience will be invited to join in singing several hymns throughout the performance, under the fine leadership from the organ of the Reverend Lorne Manweiler. Jubiloso! Bells of Concordia, under the direction of Debbie Rice, will also be performing.
Tickets are $20 for adults, $17 for seniors, students and children plus applicable service charges and are available from the Winspear Box Office at (click here) https://tickets.winspearcentre.com/event/performance/4618, 780.428-.414 or Concordia’s Student Accounts Office. For more information, contact 780.479.9304.

This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/c3R1ZGVudC5jb25jb3JkaWEuYWIuY2FfaDcyamI1b3ZuY3VxZm5ra29xNmYzbm5tZzhAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.4aph9986ol42p1bbu2tnk9i5t4?hs=121