CUE Research Cluster on Christian Philosophy & Theology Public Google Meet Lecture

The CUE Research Cluster on Christian Philosophy & Theology is pleased to announce an upcoming public Google Meet lecture.
“Looking the Other Way: Beauty, Memory, and God”
Presented by Dr. Junius Johnson
Tuesday April 5 at 4:00 p.m. MST
Google Meet Link:
The experience of beauty is one of the most powerful and compelling ones we know. In this talk, Dr. Junius Johnson will give a theological account of this experience as grounded in reminding: the beautiful is that which reminds us of God. But God may also be experienced as beautiful, and this experience of divine beauty is the basis of all experiences of creaturely beauty. And so we must look into the very beauty of God, and seek to understand how something can be not only beautiful even though terrible, but even beautiful because terrible.