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CAMPUS REC: Fitness Class

Check out Campus Recreation's fitness and yoga classes! Tuesdays (11-12) and Thursdays (1-2) will feature a variety of fitness classes, while Wednesdays (12-1) will be different types of yoga, and classes will be offered all semester long.

Classes are free for all CUE students, staff, and faculty, and you just have to log into the Google Meet link via your CUE email address.


Weekly schedules will be posted on Inside CUE, as well as at www.gothunder.ca and on the CUE Athletics Instagram/Twitter accounts (@cue_athletics).

Questions can be directed to Joel Mrak, Director of Athletics & Recreation, at joel.mrak@concordia.ab.ca.

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/kkb-jjdq-ntd

Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
