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CUE inclusion micro-grants

Posted on: Aug 25, 2020

CUE is committed to inclusion on our campus, as affirmed in our recent Board-approved statement on inclusion and diversity at CUE. It is part of who we are. In order to enhance our inclusive learning and work context we are making a number of up to $500 micro-grants available to continuing employees looking to engage in small projects that enhance our inclusive ethos, practice, and service. These grants are available to staff and faculty wanting to implement inclusive initiatives in their area. Be creative! We have deliberately made the application process simple in order to encourage projects. There is no application deadline, with applications being accepted until funds are exhausted (total fund for this program: $5000).

To apply, simply submit a 1-page letter that:

  • Provides a title for your project
  • Outlines the activities the micro-grant will fund
  • Outlines how the activities will enhance our inclusive ethos, practice, and/or service at CUE.

In addition, please attach a simple budget outlining the amount requested and how the funds would be spent.

At the conclusion of your project we would like to feature your initiative in our internal and/or external communications, which we will regard as meeting the requirement for reporting on your project.

Applications should be submitted to president@concordia.ab.ca