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CUE administration to attend Alberta Forum on Post-Secondary Learner Outcomes

Posted on: May 12, 2016

Members of CUE's administration, Dr. Tim Loreman, Dr. Karen McDonald, and Dr. Andreas Guelzow will attend the Alberta Forum on Post-Secondary Learner Outcomes at Mount Royal University in Calgary on Wednesday, May 18.

The event will be an opportunity to hold a conversation across the Alberta post-secondary system about the extent to which establishing and assessing student learning outcomes can enhance student learning. The Forum is jointly organized by the Campus Alberta Quality Council (CAQC), the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT), and the Ministry of Advanced Education.  

The plan is to spend a day talking about the role for student learning outcomes, how they can be effectively implemented and the need for their assessment, and to share experiences with and plans for the use of learning outcomes in the Alberta post-secondary system.  External experts on student learning outcomes will bring provincial, national, and international perspectives and experiences to stimulate and guide the discussion. 

The objectives of the Forum include:

  1. To share experiences and effective practices within Alberta institutions around the use of learning outcomes at the institutional level, in the design of new programs and courses, in the review of quality of programs and courses, and in the assessment of course and program transfer.
  2. To provide an overview of the potential role for learning outcomes and their assessment in quality assurance in Alberta, Canada, and internationally.
  3. To provide an overview of the potential role for learning outcomes and their assessment in course and program transfer in Alberta, Canada, and internationally.
  4. To inform CAQC, ACAT, and the Ministry of Advanced Education with respect to the use and assessment of learning outcomes.
  5. To identify the necessary conditions and opportunities for effectively using learning outcomes in the quality assurance and transfer arrangements at the institutional and system levels.
  6. To identify next steps in sharing of information or collaboration within Alberta with respect to learning outcomes.
