Congratulations to the Recipients of the 2019 Reduction in Teaching for Research Purposes awards
Posted on: Jan 14, 2020
We are glad to announce the recipients of the November 2019 Competition for Reduction in Teaching for Research Purposes awards.
Results from this and previous competitions can also be found on our website.
Congratulations to the following faculty for their success!
Dr. Carmen Arth, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Title: Post-Secondary Educators’ Experience of the Changing Landscape of Hetero and Gender Normativity: a narrative inquiry.
Dr. Brent Bradford, Associate Professor, Education, Faculty of Education
Title: An Investigation into the Physical Activity Levels of Children in Outdoor Early Childhood Environments
Dr. Simmee Chung, Assistant Professor, Education, Faculty of Education
Title: A Braided Approach to Teacher Education -an inquiry into the experiences of pre-services teachers and early career teachers in building capacity and foundational knowledge of Indigenous Peoples
Dr. Katherine Collins, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Title: Language and Culture Research Lab
Dr. Trevor Cook, Assistant Professor, Literature & Language, Faculty of Arts
Title: The Boundaries of Ownership: Proprietary Authorship before Copyright, and A Reader’s Guide to G.K. Chesterton’s The Man Who Was Thursday
Dr. Emmanuel Mapfumo, Assistant Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science
Title: 1. Short and long-term impacts of biosolids applied to low pH soils on the soil quality parameters (NSERC). 2. Available water holding capacity of oil sands reclamation coversoils (Syncrude ptoject). 3. Investigating relationships between historical climate data and crop yield (C3Y) at Breton plots Alberta (collaborative project with U of Alberta and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry)
Dr. Zdravko Marjanovic, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Title: Why Help Natural-Disaster Victims? How Resources and Situational Pressures Bias Judgments of Responsibility and Reduce the Need to Help. A SSHRC Insight Grant
Dr. John Maxfield, Associate Professor, Philosophy & Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts
Title: Reforming a North German Town: Brunswick from Evangelical Reform to Lutheran Culture in the Sixteenth Century (monograph)
Dr. Colin Neufeldt, Professor, History, Faculty of Arts
Title: The Life of George Kraus
Dr. Baidya Saha, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Physical Sciences , Faculty of Science
Title: Machine Learning Applications and Challenges in Computer Vision and Big Data Analytics
Dr. Ha Tran, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science
Title: Efficient algorithms for ideal lattices, with applications
Dr. Conrad Van Dyk, Professor, Literature and Language, Faculty of Arts
Title: Nonsense and Romanticism in Children’s Literature; A Reader’s Guide to G. K. Chesterton’s The Man Who Was Thursday; The Nature of Writing Open Access Writing Guide
Dr. Reginald Wiebe, Assistant Professor, Literature and Language, Faculty of Arts
Title: Polyptych: Adaptation, Television, and Comics; The Gutters: Comics, Cinema, and Cultural Capital; The Cancer Plot: Terminal Immortality in Marvel’s Comics’ Moral Universe; Canadian Comics Database
Dr. Robin Willey, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts
Title: Craving the Material: Contemporary Protestant Narratives on Art and Artists