International visitors and new partnerships
Posted on: May 14, 2013
Concordia is proud to announce new partnerships:
At the beginning of May, Concordia had the privilege to welcome on campus two international guests. Dr Rosa Marina de Brito Meyer, Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Chief International Officer at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro came to visit Concordia and sign a partnership with that university. Dr Volker Gäckler, President of our partner institution the Internationale Hochschule Liebenzell, from Bad Liebenzell, in the Black Forest, Germany came to discover Concordia and meet some representatives of our various departments. He also joined us for our graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 11th!
A new partnership has been signed also with the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. We already expect to receive a student from the Philosophy Department to join the Religious Studies Department! The FFLCH – USP is on the main campus of the University of Sao Paulo, a university which is highly ranked in Latin America.
A third partnership with the Altai State University in Barnaul, Russia. This is the first partnership Concordia signs with a Russian University and it is an exceptional opportunity to discover the country. The Altai State University is one of the most important center of academic education and research, in Siberia and the Far East.
These are three very significant partnerships that will be great for students, faculty and staff.