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Concordia Signs Two More Partnership Agreements in Brazil

Posted on: Jun 4, 2012

Concordia University College in Edmonton has established strong ties with the fifth largest country in the world: Brazil.

Concordia's VP International, Dr. Manfred Zeuch signed two more memorandums of understanding with universities in Brazil, bringing the total of partnership agreements in Brazil to four.

On May 7, 2012, Concordia's Dr. Zeuch and La Salle university College (UNILSALLE) president Dr. Paulo Fossatti signed a partnership agreement that allows for exchange of ideas, research, students, faculty, special projects, joint courses, and study tours. UNILSALLE is a Catholic university from the order of La Salle, situated downtown Canoas. Canoas is second strongest economy in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with a population of 300,000.

On May 8th Dr. Zeuch and Dr. Marcos Ziemer, president of Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), in Canoas, South Brazil, signed a memorandum of understanding that ties together Concordia and ULBRA's 80,000 students across its 15 campuses across the third largest country in the western hemisphere. President Ziemer said: “we are glad to establish this new partnership and being able to further qualify education in Brazil and in Canada. The exchange of experiences will bring new opportunities for students and faculty and the development of research and cooperation”. Ulbra has expertise in distance education, and there are several areas of possible cooperation between the two universities founded on Lutheran values.

The agreements were preceeded by similar agreements with UNIVATES in Lajeado, and the University of Santa Cruz do Sul, earlier in May.