Concordia Mourns Passing of Former President, Dr. Richard Kraemer
Posted on: Dec 17, 2010
On Saturday, November 6, our President Emeritus, the Rev. Dr. Richard Kraemer was called from this life into the hope which he held and lived as a faithful child of God. All of Concordia, and the many who came to know Dr. Kraemer as President, Professor, Mentor, Pastor, and Friend will miss him dearly and mourn his passing. Some will miss his sense of humour, but all will fondly recall his love of life and passion for Concordia. Richard came to Concordia in 1977, and from his first day on campus served Concordia with his heartfelt spiritual care, insightful and impassioned teaching, and finally as a dedicated and visionary President.
As President, Richardr's vision was embraced by many, who assisted him in building Concordia visibly, and helped him strengthen it from within to make it the excellent university it has become. He truly was the father of our Concordia family! Yet he himself would be the first to point to that Father who is Father of us all, whom he faithfully acknowledged as the one who gave him the strength and wisdom to carry out his work. It is our heavenly Father who called Richard to himself on Saturday, and who even now embraces him as his beloved child in eternity.
All of us will have the opportunity to mourn his passing, but also rejoice in the gift that he was to us and the gift of eternal life he now enjoys this Friday. Our heartfelt condolences go out especially to Janet, Jonathan, Cheryl, and Rebekah, but also to the rest of his family.
Richard Kraemer's funeral will be held on Friday, November 12, 2010 at 11 AM Bethel Lutheran Church, 298 Bethel Drive, in Sherwood Park, Alberta.
In memory of Richard, and his love of life and passion for Concordia, a scholarship in Richardr's name is being established at Concordia University College of Alberta. The family invites donations in support of a scholarship for students in the Master of Arts in Biblical and Christian Studies program at Concordia.