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Brazilian Movie Night Invitation – Award winning “Central Station”

Posted on: Oct 7, 2016

Invitation to the International Movie Night on Thursday October 13th, at 4:45 pm in HA 206. We will watch the award…


We Believe You campaign video shoot at Pep Rally today!

Posted on: Oct 7, 2016

Sexual assault is complex, but the best first response is surprisingly simple – I Believe You. More than ever,…

Student Life & Learning

Extension Program Abroad: Tri-City Tour & Opera Appreciation

Posted on: Oct 6, 2016

  Concordia organizes Opera Tour in Tuscany for 2017, in contact with our partners from the Istituto Lorenzo…


For Faculty in Arts and Social Studies: Funded Sabbatical in China

Posted on: Oct 6, 2016

To faculty members in Arts and Social Studies: Please see the links below on funding for research or teaching in China…


Conference: Theology and the Philosophy of Science: Analytic, Scholastic, and Historical Perspectives

Posted on: Oct 6, 2016

On behalf of the Interdisciplinary Research Cluster on Theology and the Sciences, here is an invitation to the upcoming…
