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Fine Arts Carnival April 4 to 7

Posted on: Apr 5, 2019

Needing a study break? Need to step away from marking papers? Looking to find something to do with friends and family?…


Mental Health First Aid – May 15 and 16, Register Now!

Posted on: Apr 5, 2019

Concordia University of Edmonton is a caring campus community that prioritizes support, collaboration, and work-life…

Student Life & Learning

CSO in World Premiere of Bevan’s “Ancient of Days”

Posted on: Apr 4, 2019

The Concordia Symphony Orchestra (dir. Danielle Lisboa) and Edmonton Metropolitan Chorus collaborate on April 15 on the…

3-Minute Business Pitch Competition

Posted on: Apr 3, 2019

The Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR) is pleased to announce its…

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research

Advancing community-driven health research, innovation and education at the heart of new MOU

Posted on: Apr 3, 2019

Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) and Health City have entered into a collaboration to advance partner and…

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research