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Concordia Science Society Journal Club – February 5th, 2020

Posted on: Feb 3, 2020

On behalf of Concordia Science Society, the Office of Research Services would like to invite you for their upcoming…


Department of Literature & Language: Annual Speaker Series Presentation

Posted on: Feb 3, 2020

Please join the Literature & Language Department for a research presentation on Andrea Levy’s award-winning…

Faculty of Arts

Student Research Grants​ – Apply by March 15th, 2020

Posted on: Feb 3, 2020

Student Internal Grants The Student Research Grant Winter of 2020 competition is open. The deadline for applications to…


Concordia signs MOU and Exchange Agreement in Helsinki, Finland

Posted on: Jan 31, 2020

We are pleased to announce the signing of an MOU and Student Exchange Agreement with Diaconia University of Applied…


Call for Applications – Faculty-Led Study Abroad (FLSA)

Posted on: Jan 31, 2020

Concordia has led two successful Faculty Led Study Abroad (FLSA) missions (field schools) to South Brazil through the…

External Affairs International