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A message for support staff as we begin a new academic year

Posted on: Aug 4, 2016

We hope that many of you have been able to find time during this busy summer to take a break and enjoy the sun ​(and the rain) ​with friends and family. As we head towards the start of the 2016-17 academic year we wanted to take a moment to reflect on Concordia's current situation and the role that you have played in getting us there.

Concordia is the healthiest she has been in years, and perhaps ever​ has been​. While there is obviously still much work to be done (and always will be), the Concordia of today is prosperous, stable, and indeed in a period of growth. We are looking towards being able to hire new faculty and staff in order to serve our increasing population of students.

You may also have noticed that things have become more stable in our administration and staff areas. Our staff are increasingly finding themselves in roles in which they flourish, and it shows. ​Everyone who visits Concordia, and we who work in different areas around campus, all see just how dedicated and engaged you are. ​The excellent service you ​provide daily, combined with the outstanding work of our faculty, management, and our leadership team, is what has made Concordia strong. ​Concordia may be compared to a body in which all parts are indispensable and are working together to ​​become stronger; kind of like the analogy that St Paul uses in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 when he speaks of the church; we all play a part; we all are important to keep Concordia healthy and growing.

We want to also mention the role that your Support Staff Association has played ​in building a very positive relationship between administration and staff. ​We are able to speak openly​​ and honestly​ with each other about issues that concern you​ and quickly work toward solutions together​. ​And we need to speak more, both formally and informally. We did that at a breakfast in the Spring at which the Administration of Concordia wanted to say "Thank you"  to each of you for the work you do so faithfully. And we want to do this again. Soon. Plans are in the works, so stay tuned.

Once again, thank you for your role in helping to make Concordia a great place for our students to study and for our faculty and staff to work. 2016-17 looks as if it will be our best year yet.

Gerald Krispin & Tim Loreman