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Join us for the Machine Learning & Innovation + Symposium

Join us for the Machine Learning & Innovation + Symposium

Posted on: Oct 24, 2022

Are you working on a machine learning project and curious if that project has the potential to make an impact in…

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research Research

CUE Weekly Newsletter-October 24

Posted on: Oct 24, 2022

    See what’s new in this edition of the CUE Weekly Newsletter.

Student Life & Learning

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Posted on: Oct 24, 2022

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), is a two-day, skills based workshop for intervening with a person…

CUE Wellness

WECAN Baskets – November 2022

Posted on: Oct 24, 2022

We are now accepting orders for the November WECAN baskets! CUE Cupboard is very pleased to offer both students and…

CUE Wellness Student Life & Learning

Day 1: Government Information & Climate Data

Posted on: Oct 24, 2022

Welcome to Day 1 of the Open Access Week 5-Day Challenge! Each day you will be introduced to a new topic or resource…
