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NSERC scholarship funding now available for students in the new Master of Science in Information Technology program

NSERC scholarship funding now available for students in the new Master of Science in Information Technology program

Posted on: Nov 27, 2020

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council has approved our new Masters of Science in Information Technology…

Faculty of Science Research

Welcome to Concordia, Chris Wilson!

Posted on: Nov 26, 2020

We are pleased to welcome Chris Wilson to CUE as our Graphic Designer to the Marketing & Communications team. …


HR Information Session – CUE Bi-Weekly Payroll Transition

Posted on: Nov 26, 2020

      Concordia University of Edmonton is making the transition from semi-monthly payroll to bi-weekly, effective…

People & Culture

CUE is Transitioning to Bi-Weekly Pay in January 2021

Posted on: Nov 26, 2020

      In 2021, our pay dates are changing to every second Friday. We will have 26 pay periods instead of 24 per year.…

People & Culture

This Year Declare, Change Begins with Me!

Posted on: Nov 26, 2020

Change Begins with Me is the theme for this year’s National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW) which runs from November…

CUE Wellness