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Sexual Violence Prevention & Bystander Intervention Training

Posted on: Jan 15, 2020

Please join us on Thursday, January 23rd for a Sexual Violence Prevention & Bystander Intervention workshop at 5 pm in HA 010. 
These educational sessions are one of the many ways Concordia stands against sexualized violence and works to create a safer campus for all students, staff, and faculty. This session for students will explore developing a deeper understanding of what sexual violence is, understanding what CUE’s policy and approach is, and also teach practical skills we can all use to intervene in an emergency. 
We all have a role to play in building a safe campus and we hope you can join us. No signups are required!
If you have any questions please contact the facilitators William Logan (william.logan@concordia.ab.ca) or Nicole Houghtaling (nicole.houghtaling@concordia.ab.ca).