What is the CUSC Survey?
For 30 years, Canadian University Student Consortium (CUSC) surveys have been providing a broad base of comparative and collective data on the undergraduate student experience. Surveys are conducted each year focusing on a different student cohort: first year, middle years, and graduating students. The survey provides insight into the student experience – with topics on opinion of teaching, satisfaction of facilities and services, expectations vs. experiences, and more. In 2025, first year university students will be surveyed.
When does the survey take place?
Tuesday, January 21 to Friday, February 28, 2025.
How do first year students participate?
On January 21, first year students will receive an email from noreply@pra.ca with the subject line “CUE wants feedback from first year students”. There will be a unique link to follow in the email. Only students who have not completed the survey will receive a weekly reminder to complete the survey until it closes on February 28.
How long does the survey take to complete?
It should only take about 20 minutes to complete the survey.
Why do the survey?