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Recognition Week 2024: Celebrating those who Drive CUE Forward

Each year, we take some time to recognize members of our CUE staff and faculty for their dedicated years of service and their achievements and accomplishments over the past year. 


Gerald S. Krispin Research Award – Dr. Emmanuel Mapfumo

I am thrilled to congratulate Dr. Mapfumo on being recipient of this year’s Gerald S. Krispin Research Award. His unwavering dedication to research and remarkable achievements make him a deserving recipient.

Dr. Mapfumo’s extensive publication record in reputable peer-reviewed journals and his active participation in national and international conferences manifest his deep commitment to advancing knowledge in his field. Particularly noteworthy is his recent paper on the effects of climate change on crop yields in Canadian prairies. That work has garnered widespread recognition and acclaim, received prominent coverage in Folio, the University of Alberta’s magazine, as well as over 40 other news outlets, radio and television interviews, further highlighting the impact and reach of his work. Moreover, Dr. Mapfumo demonstrates impressive success in securing research grants and holding an adjunct Professor position at the University of Alberta further validating his expertise and contributions. In addition, Dr. Mapfumo has proven himself as a great team builder in research, manifesting remarkable leadership.

Celebrating Dr. Mapfumo’s accomplishments not only honors his extraordinary work but also inspires other faculty members. His commitment and achievements align closely with CUE’s mission and strategic research plan, making him an exceptional role model.

-Xin Chen
Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences

Extra Mile Award – Gwen Eifert


Edgar Schmidt

Dr. Edgar Schmidt started at CUE in August 2013 as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education after a full career with Edmonton Public Schools as a teacher, principal, and superintendent. Following the retirement of Dr. Maureen Stratton, Edgar served one term as Dean in the Faculty of Education. As Edgar embarks upon this well deserved chapter of retirement, CUE wishes him joy, adventures, and all the wonderful experiences he’s earned.

Linda Nollski

In early 2000, Linda Nollski joined CUE as an administrative secretary in the Admissions and Financial Aid Office. In 2002 she became a Financial Aid advisor. Linda left CUE briefly in late 2005 to return in mid 2007 as a registration advisor. By 2013. Linda had become a senior registration advisor, loved by her colleagues and students. At that time, she took on responsibility for transfer credit assessments and her role slowly morphed into Transfer Credit Coordinator. In that role Linda guided the TC Office through CUE’s rapid growth  when from 2013 to 2022 CUE’s enrolment more than doubled and international enrolment increased from 120 to over 600 students bringing with it unique challenges in transfer credit assessment.

Andreas Guelzow

Steven Muir

Steven Muir has been a highly valued and respected member of the Concordia community for more than twenty years, having joined the Faculty of Arts as an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies in 2002. He came to us after previous teaching posts at the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and Mount Allison in New Brunswick.

Steven’s academic background is eclectic, perhaps foreshadowing the broad and diverse range of interests evident in his subsequent scholarship. He first completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Calgary in 1977, then returned to the U of C some years later to complete BA and MA degrees in Religious Studies. He completed his doctorate in that field at the University of Ottawa in 1998, specializing in Early Christianity.

Before saying more about Steven’s contributions to Concordia and to the broader world of scholarship, one ought to highlight (and underline and boldface) his reputation as a teacher. Our students have always admired Steven’s abilities as a communicator, his passion for the discipline of Religious Studies, and his obvious concern for their well-being and development. Steven was an eminently student-centred teacher before “being student-centred” officially became a thing. His presence in our classrooms will be greatly missed.

A quick (and incomplete) summary of his other contributions: Steven served as Chair of the Religious Studies Department from 2007-2013, and then as Chair of the newly combined Philosophy & Religious Studies Department for a further year after that. He also put in a full seven years as Chair of our MA Program in Biblical and Christian Studies (mostly overlapping with his Chair duties for the undergraduate program).

He somehow found time too to serve both as Director of the Concordia Institute of Christian Studies and Society for the entirety of its five year mission (2015-2020), and as Faculty Lead for the very first Research Cluster at Concordia: the Interdisciplinary Travel Research Group (2014-2020). In both of those roles he put in a great deal of work organizing valuable public lectures and other events, boosting Concordia’s reputation locally and getting our name out nationally amongst scholars working in these areas of study.  

Steven’s record of service on internal Concordia committees is too lengthy and varied to recount here; still, those who have worked with him in this capacity will agree that his calm demeanour and wise, level-headed advice has done our institution much good (and no doubt kept some of us out of trouble).

In terms of his broader involvement in the scholarly world, Steven has served as Treasurer and Membership Secretary for the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies since 2006, and served a number of years as book reviews editor for the well-known Canadian journal Religious Studies & Theology. He has co-edited two scholarly anthologies (most recently the 2018 Routledge volume Early Christian Ritual Life), and has authored numerous articles in the fields of New Testament Studies, Early Christianity, Patristics, Classics, Pilgrimage Studies. He has also begun writing on a new area of interest: the history of western esotericism.

We wish Steven all the best in his new endeavours. We will miss him, and trust he will remain patient with our devious attempts to lure him back to campus for assorted events & activities.

Wendy Pullin

Congratulations on your retirement, Wendy! It was a pleasure having the chance to work with you as Chair during the Winter 2023 semester. Your passion and care for the Department of Psychology was evident, and the legacy that you leave after 30 years at CUE is something to be appreciated and admired. Generations of students and colleagues have been guided by your leadership, and this is no small matter. Je vous souhaite une merveilleuse retraite!

Valerie Henitiuk

Dr. Valerie Henitiuk served as CUE’s Vice President Academic and Provost, and Professor, from 2017 through to her retirement at the end of her term in 2022. Dr. Henitiuk came to CUE with a significant record and reputation as a scholar in the area of translation studies and literature, with an emphasis on Inuit literature during her time at CUE.

Dr. Henitiuk came to CUE with a strong focus on faculty development, having previously held the position of Director of the Centre for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence at MacEwan University. A capable and dynamic administrator, while at CUE she advanced CUEs excellence and focus on teaching and learning, while also promoting research and increasing engagement in that area across the university. Under her leadership CUE developed an Academic Plan that still resonates through the updated version of that plan today. She furthered our work in Indigenous engagement, and the connection
between the university and external partners such as industry and non-profit organizations.

During her time at CUE we saw exponential student growth, and adopted systems and processes that helped to prepare us for the future. Thank you, Dr. Henitiuk!

Vladimir Pitchko

Dr. Vladimir Pitchko joined Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) in 2000 and has since been a highly respected and valued member of the Faculty of Science and the larger CUE community. Over the years, Vladimir served in various administrative roles that included Chemistry Program Coordinator, Department Chair, Science Division Chair and acting Dean of Science. Vladimir is an open-minded and thoughtful colleague who during challenging situations, remains open to and optimistic about potential solutions. Colleagues and students appreciate Vladimir for his courtesy, approachability and great sense of humor.

Vladimir has a passion for teaching; he is patient and genuinely cares about students who in turn love to learn from him. In recognition of his commitment to student engagement and learning Vladimir was a recipient of the Judith C. Meier Teaching Excellence award in 2017. Vladimir was also recently awarded Professor Emeritus status in recognition of his contributions to CUE. Vladimir will be greatly missed at CUE. We wish him a happy retirement! Profitez-en bien!

Service Milestones

Jolaine Kerley
Lang MacDougall
Ha Tran
Kymbat Yermekbayeva
Frederick Vuong

Farzad Zare-Bawani

Kelly Lisa George
Conrad vanDyk

Coralia Hurtado

Dante Macasaet

Andreas Guezlow

5 Years
Arjun Gurung
Aida Nebie
Shyla Lukas
Nadine Parke
Muna Saleh

10 Years
Markos M. Denboba
Danielle Lisboa Chaves

15 Years
Mirta Pozo
Wendy Jensen

20 Years
Tim Loreman

25 Years
John Washington
Crystal Hamilton

30 Years
Wendy Pullin

35 Years
Thong To

Julia Saporito
Danielle Powder
Angela Campbell
Robin Willey
Adrien Guyot

Kevin Bittorf

Inhee Cho

Tim Labron

Phu Van (Jason) To

Thank you to all those who Drive CUE Forward.