Security Alert
Posted on: Mar 27, 2023
On Saturday, March 25, 2023, at 2:35 pm, Security encountered a suspicious male in a truck near Z Parking Lot by 73 Street and 112 Avenue.
The male flagged over the security guard to talk to him. Initially, he asked if anyone had complained about him “harassing the ladies”. He then proceeded to make comments about sexual misconduct, harassing female students, and school attacks. Given the nature of the conversation, the Edmonton Police Service has been contacted and will be conducting an investigation.
The male is described as approximately mid-50s in age, speaking with an accent (possibly Spanish-decent or Eastern Asian). The vehicle is a white GMC pickup truck with long ladders in the bed of the truck with Alberta license plate CG7 0023.
Avoid walking alone. Walk in a group or call Security for an escort to your vehicle. If you encounter this individual or the vehicle in question, please contact the Police and then call Security at 780-479-8761.