30 books to read for Pride Week 2023
Posted on: Mar 8, 2023
In honour of Pride Week at CUE, we have hand-picked 30 books. In this list you will find a varied selection of the latest best-sellers, some classics, memoirs, fiction and helpful reference books.
Throughout history, many voices from the LGBTQIA2S+ experience have been censored and are still banned in many corners of the world. It is through books that we learn about ourselves and the world around us.
It is meaningful for gender and sexually diverse students to see or hear their own experiences in the lives of others – in many cases it helps them feel validated. For other students, learning about LGBTQIA2S+ stories different from their own, can help them build empathy and understanding for the struggles they face, and helps them be open and kind to others.
Please head to the library to see the full display and enjoy your reading experience.
A two-spirit journey: the autobiography of a lesbian Ojibwa-Cree elder by Ma-Nee Chacaby, Mary Louisa Plummer
A quick & easy guide to they/them pronouns by Archie Bongiovanni, Tristan Jimerson, Crank! (Letterer), Ari Yarwood, Stone, Kate Z
An archive of hope: Harvey Milk’s speeches and writings by Harvey Milk, Jason Edward Black, Charles E Morris
Aristotle and Dante dive into the waters of the world by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Becoming two-spirit: gay identity and social acceptance in Indian country by Brian Joseph Gilley
Bodies of evidence: the practice of queer oral history by Nan Alamilla Boyd, Horacio N Roque Ramírez
Bottle rocket hearts: a novel by Zoe Whittall
Cam & Beau: a novel by Maria Cichosz
Fairest: a memoir by Meredith Talusan
In a new century: essays on queer history, politics, and community life by John D’Emilio
In a Queer Country: Gay & Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context by Terry Goldie
Land of 10,000 loves: a history of queer Minnesota by Stewart Van Cleve
Law and the gay rights story: the long search for equal justice in a divided democracy by Walter M Frank
Love, Violet by Charlotte Sullivan Wild, Charlene Chua
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
Pink, blue, and you!: questions for kids about gender stereotypes by Elise Gravel, Mykaell Blais
Queer mobilizations: social movement activism and Canadian public policy by Manon Tremblay
Rebels, rubyfruit, and rhinestones: queering space in the Stonewall South by James T Sears (James Thomas),
Sister outsider: essays and speeches by Audre Lorde
The color purple by Alice Walker
The song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
This wound is a world: poems by Billy-Ray Belcourt
Toward Stonewall: homosexuality and society in the modern western world by Nicholas C Edsall
Transgender 101: a simple guide to a complex issue by Nicholas M Teich
Transgender history by Susan Stryker
Transgender mental health by Eric Yarbrough, American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Victory: the triumphant gay revolution by Linda R Hirshman
We Do What We Do in the Dark A Novel by Michelle Hart
Whipping girl: a transsexual woman on sexism and the scapegoating of femininity by Julia Serano