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Course Design Check-in (30 minute Chat)

Posted on: Nov 28, 2022
Women talking across a table
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com


Have you wanted to have someone to chat to about your course before you teach it– but never had a person with the time to chat?  The Course Design Check-ins are an opportunity for ANY CUE instructor (faculty or sessional) to meet with Verena (CTE-Educational Developer) to chat about your amazing courses! I am excited to learn more about what is happening across campus, and there is no better way than to spend some time telling me all about it! These sessions are designed as an opportunity to pilot the “Draft CUE Course Design Check-list” as a framework to guide course design discussions and the opportunity to share your amazing teaching experiences. Please bring your syllabi, moodle course shell and any other artifacts to share with Verena. 

All instructors (faculty and sessionals) are welcome to come and attend a 30 minute chat to share your amazing course design & teaching strategies to support student learning !

Please email cte@concordia.ab.ca to book a time (virtual or on campus) up to Dec 23, 2022