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Survey – Research Data Management (NDRIO)

Posted on: Feb 5, 2021

The New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) is a government-funded organization dedicated to the development and support of research data management. Their goal is to support researchers and academic institutions by providing digital tools, services and infrastructure for their research across all disciplines.

The Tri-Agency of Canada has developed a Research Data Management Policy, aimed at establishing a framework on how research data must be handled and stored. Due to COVID-19, the launch of this policy was put on hold, but it is expected that, in the near future, institutions that receive funding such as CUE, will have to abide by this policy.

CUE Research has been actively working on the internal framework to support this. In addition, a group led by Colin Neufeldt, Ramses Ilarraza and Dan Mirau received funding from SSHRC to create the Alberta Research Data Management Information Network, a group that will lead institutions across the province in fulfilling related requirements and needs. The launch of ARMIN was delayed by COVID-19, but the team is working on rescheduling within the next few months.


NDRIO is requesting researchers to participate in a survey that will help them shape their efforts and focus their own grants program. If you are a CUE researcher, we will appreciate if you could fill this survey.


“The New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) is pleased to announce the launch of a nation-wide survey, as part of our Canadian Digital Research Infrastructure Needs Assessment. This survey is open to all Canadian researchers, regardless of their current use of digital infrastructure, and will be available until Monday, February 22.

From undergraduate students and early-stage researchers to established scholars, scientists and researchers – no matter the discipline – we hope to reach the broader Canadian research community to understand their unique, individual needs as relates to digital research infrastructure (DRI). While the survey is specifically targeted toward DRI end users, we welcome feedback from all members of the research community.

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, and will help inform our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. Please take time to complete the survey and share it with other members of your research community.

Thank you again for your participation, as we work with our partners to harmonize and improve Canada’s DRI services and tools for Canadian researchers to support scientific excellence, academic research and innovation across disciplines.

If you have any questions about the survey, or our ongoing Needs Assessment consultation process, please contact us at research_recherche@EngageDRI.ca.”