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4th Annual Research Forum- Congratulations to winners and participants

Posted on: Apr 17, 2019

4th Annual CUE Research Forum 2019

The 4th Annual CUE Research Forum was a success. 51 posters were presented by Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students and Faculty Members at CUE, representing 10 Departments of 4 of our Faculties. With this research poster exhibition, CUE showcased and celebrated the exciting accomplishments of our students and faculty in advancing research and innovation across all disciplines.

The Forum was opened by our Vice President Academic and Provost, Dr. Valerie Henitiuk. It took place at two locations, the Tegler Student Space, and in the recently opened Design Thinking Space, located in the Allan Wachowich Centre.


New this year

For the 4th Annual CUE Research Forum, we held our First Annual Poster Competition. Poster presentations in 2 categories (Undergraduate Students an  Graduate Students) were judged by a panel of members of the CUE. Winners were announced by Dr. Henitiuk, and presented their posters at the Design Thinking Space.

The Academic Community at CUE is proud to show its support for our students.



Posters were judged under three criteria: poster and abstract design and content, poster presentation, and responses to questions. The maximum possible score for this competition was 240 points. We thank all of our judges for their hard work and dedication, which made this feature a success. The 2019 Winners in each category were:

Undergraduate Student


First Place

Liam McKenna, The potential inhibitory effects of Acetaminophen on human COX-1 enzyme under varying human body, (220 points) $300 prize.





Second Place

Traci Christianson, The Perception of Linguistic Bias in News Media, (216 points) $200 prize.





Third Place

Aaron Bannard, Synthesis of Alkene-Terminated Silicon Quantum Dots, (215 points) $100 prize.





Graduate Student


First Place

Raphael Naiyeju, Vulnerability Assessment of the Modbus Industrial Automation and Control Systems using Penetration Testing and Cisco Security as the Benchmark, (218 points) $500 prize.




Second Place

John Zabiuk, Personality, Emotions, Email, and Exploits, (214 points) $300 prize.






Third Place

Priya, “A Survey on Polymorphic Malware Analysis Techniques and Tools“, (197 points) $200 prize.




Abstract Book

The 2019 Welcome Program and Abstract Book are available online in our website.



CUE Research thanks the Tri-Agency and their support via the Research Support Fund for their contribution to our institutional research. To read more about the Research Support Fund, please visit our website here.