2017 Teaching Professor Conference
Posted on: Sep 26, 2016
For educators who are passionate about the art and science of teaching, The Teaching Professor Conference is the premier event in the U.S. There is no better forum for an exhilarating exchange of ideas with your colleagues.
We are now accepting proposals for sessions and poster sessions!
The Teaching Professor Conference is known for attracting a roster of high-quality, engaging presenters; that’s why we’re asking you to be a part of next year’s event. If you have previously submitted a proposal for past conferences, we sincerely ask you to submit again. And if you have never submitted a proposal for a session or poster session, we ask that you seriously consider this opportunity to share your expertise at the conference.
The 14th annual Teaching Professor Conference will be held June 2-4, 2017 at the Marriott St. Louis Grand, St. Louis, Mo.
Featured topical areas are:
Topical Area 1: Instructional Design
Topical Area 2: Active Learning Assignments and Activities
Topical Area 3: Teaching Specific Types of Students
Topical Area 4: Instructional Vitality: Ways to Keep Teaching Fresh and Invigorated
Topical Area 5: Teaching and Learning with Technology
Topical Area 6: Grading and Feedback
Topical Area 7: Faculty Development
The Teaching Professor Conference is three intensive days of plenary sessions, preconference workshops, concurrent sessions, poster presentations, and more. Here is your chance to be a part of it in 2017.
Deadline for proposal submissions is Saturday, October 31st, 2016.