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Math Enrichment Classes

Posted on: Sep 25, 2017

We are pleased to announce that all CUE students, employees and alumni are eligible for 20% discounts when registering their Grades 1-8 children in math enrichment classes offered by Math Kangaroo Edmonton, MacEwan University and Concordia University of Edmonton. Fall classes are held on five Sunday afternoons at MacEwan University from October to December. Winter classes will be held at Concordia University of Edmonton.

Regular cost is $75 but the cost for CUE families is only $60 for the fall session (5 classes) and later for the winter sessions (again 5 classes). Please visit www.mathkangarooedmonton.com for details. In order to receive a bursary/discount, please fill out the bursary/discount application form to obtain a promo code prior to registration.

Information for the winter classes and registration will be announced at a later date.

We look forward to teaching and challenging your children in math!