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Jason Lang Scholarships

Posted on: Jul 2, 2014

Each year the Alberta Scholarship Programs awards Jason Lang Scholarships ($1,000) to eligible Alberta students. These scholarships are administered through the post-secondary institution that you attend.  At Concordia, eligible students have been sent an email communication inviting them to complete an online application form.  Concordia students that are eligible for the Louise McKinney Scholarship ($2,500) have also been contacted and invited to submit an application.  Concordia is only allowed to submit 39 Louise McKinney applications to the government.  Besides the residency factors, eligibility is based on a minimum of 24 earned credits in the Fall/Winter session and a 3.2 session GPA for the Jason Lang and 3.7 session GPA for the Louise McKinney.  If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call or send us an email at finaid@concordia.ab.ca.