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Concordia’s Third President Still Inspires

by Curtis Peck


Rev. Roland A. Frantz was the third president appointed to Concordia College in the fall of 1960 and served in that role with distinction until 1975.

Ref. Frantz made a major career change from his ministerial work in Tacoma and Olympia, Washington, moving himself and his family to Edmonton. He had a strong impact on Concordia and its academic programs. He was a man of strong faith as his first occupational love was in Christian ministry. What I personally can relate to is that Rev. Frantz obviously had a strong Christian belief and wanted to share his belief with others in so much that he committed to giving back to the community wherever he could. He also felt that his faith could see him through dark days, something I agree with completely.

Prior to having the honour of being a student athlete at Concordia University, I played three years of Junior Hockey in Alberta and Saskatchewan. I took the opportunity in each of those communities to give back to the youth, and I cannot express how gratifying it is to make a difference. My experience away from “home” changed the man I am and I believe set me on a path to always be engaged in every community which I live. I learned the value of paying it forward.

To a lesser degree, I understand challenges people may face when they pick up their lives and move away from home to chase a dream or a new life.  Although I was younger and not the head of our household, I was raised in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, and completed my early schooling where some classes were taught in Inuktitut.  I know the challenges that Rev. Frantz and his family would have faced leaving friends and family. When we moved to Edmonton, I had only my family and my faith to believe in, much like the Frantz family.  It would appear that Rev. Frantz and I both made the correct choice to come to Edmonton and specifically, Concordia University of Edmonton. I could only hope during my life to have the positive impact on society that Reverend Frantz provided.


About Curtis

My name is Curtis Peck, I am a third-year student, enrolled in the Bachelor of Management program. I was honoured to be asked to write a brief summary of past Concordia Presidents from our Dean of Management Dr. Alison Yacyshyn. Since enrolling at Concordia University I have been provided tremendous opportunity to develop as a student and as a future leader in society.  The opportunity to learn with like-minded individuals has been exceptional.


CUE Students and Alum to Make Their Own History

Concordia’s CUE 100 committee is very excited to feature the written work of several students and alumni as part of its centenary celebrations. As these celebrations continue, you can look forward to reading short articles by these writers on interesting aspects of Concordia’s history over the past century. Writers were given access to archival documents on particular topics which they were asked to summarize and personally respond to. You’ll be able to discover much about Concordia’s history and how it still resonates among us today. We hope you find these articles both informative and entertaining. Happy 100, Concordians!