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Concordia Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players

Danielle Lisboa

Ping-Shan Liao

Rock Larochelle (Flute)

Rock, originally from St. Paul, Alberta, has taught in Francophone and immersion schools for 30 years. He now works part-time as an educational consultant. As well as being a flutist with the Concordia Symphony Orchestra, he is also one of the founders of the Opus@12 Chamber Concert Society which offers free concerts in the rotunda of La Cité francophone. Rock has been studying for the past 17 years with Elizabeth Koch (principal flutist of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra) and also had the opportunity to study with Sir James Galway in Switzerland in 1990 and 2013. He is married to Sharon Toronchuk (cellist) and they have a daughter, Caroline (pianist and mezzo-soprano) in addition to their well rounded cat named Luigi.

Stephanie Wong (Oboe)

Stephanie is a 3rd-year music student at CUE.  She is an oboist, pianist and harpsichordist, specializing in early winds.  She started playing the oboe during her former life as a research scientist and later took up the baroque oboe, before finally deciding to pursue a career in music.  Stephanie is principal oboe in Concordia Symphony Orchestra and is an active chamber musician.  She is vice-president of Opus@12 Chamber Concert Society and is in a number of ensembles, including Convivencia Canadá.  She is recipient of the NSERC CGS Scholarship and has publications in the Journal of Chemical Physics and Chemical Physics Letters.

Amber Campbell (Clarinet)

Amber Campbell is originally from Red Deer, Alberta, and has a Master of Music degree in clarinet performance from the University of Alberta.  During university, she studied with Jei Yin, Charles Hudelson, and Jeff Campbell.  Amber played clarinet in the Edmonton Youth Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, and University Symphony Orchestra, and now plays with the Concordia Symphony Orchestra.  She has also earned her CA designation and works full-time as an accountant.  Amber enjoys spending her free time with her husband, Eric, and son Sean, both trumpet players, as well as their musical cats Igor (Stravinsky) and Dmitri (Shostakovich).

Kristen Moffat (Bassoon)

When she was 12, Kristen’s family moved to Texas after the school year had already started and her band teacher informed her that there were already too many aspiring saxophone players that year and that she could pick between the two remaining options: the bassoon or the French horn. Today, Kristen thanks her younger self for her savvy decision-making, as playing the bassoon has opened many doors for musical experience and expression over the years, including the opportunity to play for the Mexico State Orchestra and get paid to go to Paris!  Kristen works as a Spanish/English translator and is fortunate to share life with her incredibly supportive partner, Martin, three great and growing kids (Emma, Jorja and Ian), an endearing but increasingly blind dog and two large cats with equally large personalities. 

Ross McLean (French horn)

Ross is a pathologist at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and father of 5 children.  He has played with the Calgary and Edmonton youth orchestras, Concordia Orchestra in Montreal and has played professionally as assistant to the Calgary Philharmonic horn section (1977-78) and the Calgary Stampede Grandstand Show.  He has more recently performed with the World Doctors Orchestra as principal and second horn in Dubai, Paris and Houston.  He continues to develop an interest in historical performance by learning how to play antique horns.